The NAACP Camden County Branch is hosting a youth pep rally from 4:00-6:30pm on Saturday, January 18, 2024, at the Camden County PSA Rec Center (1050 Wildcat Dr, Kingsland). The theme is “The Future is Bright!”
The event is in commemoration of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. The purpose of the pep rally is to encourage young people to believe in themselves and to follow their interests, passions, and dreams!
There will be live entertainment, a DJ, and free food.
All school-aged youth (6+) are welcome. Children under 12 need to be accompanied and supervised by an adult.
Follow the event Facebook page for updates.
The youth rally is being planned in coordination with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Unity March on Monday, January 20, 2025.
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